The Music, Beauty, Waters, Flowers, Joy, Peace, Love, Relationships, And More, Described by Fifty Published Eyewitnesses
by Dr. Jacques LaFrance
This book takes up many different features of heaven and shows what different eyewitnesses said about that feature. It shows the consistency between witnesses and also their different perspectives.
Multiple Eyewitness Accounts of Heaven
Book reviews:
“I would especially recommend this book to the following people: (1) Christians, particularly older Christians as they approach the end of their lives because it reaffirms that the Father is (and always has been) on the throne in Heaven and Jesus, the Christ, sits at the Father’s right hand; and (2) people whose faith has wavered or that don’t believe in God or his Son. The descriptions of Heaven are astounding and the torment and agony that awaits those who are destined for Hell is frightening.” – Bruno and Lynn Codispoti, Amazon Review.
“It is well-researched, descriptive of many experiences on this earth, before death, in heaven and hell, and life on this earth after returning from death. It incorporates the Bible appropriately. It is inspiring and clearly presents the importance and urgency of accepting god into your life, being redeemed of your sins, and having the eternal life god wants for all of us. We have to accept him now versus later.”
– Sam D. Arnold, Amazon Review.
“This is an excellent, well written book. It gives a real wake up call to the reality of what awaits us after drawing our last breath. I thank the author for this much needed warning and I hope that this book goes viral so that many people may be saved.” – Diane, Amazon Review.
A Walk Through Heaven
I wake up one morning out of my body and notice some wonderful changes in me. Then my guardian angel takes me to heaven where he and another angel take me on a walk to learn many things about heaven, including people there, the wall and gates described in Revelation, the plants, the waters, children, the animals and pets, and many different magnificent buildings. The last thing is an awesome meeting with Jesus. He tells me to go back and write about all I have seen and share it with his people so they can be ready for his very soon return. I end up back in my body wondering what happened. While this story is fiction, there is some truth about me and all the experiences in heaven are taken from eyewitness testimony recorded in Heaven Is Beyond Imagination; that part is not fiction.
About the Author
Dr. Jacques LaFrance became a follower of Jesus as a freshman at Harvard University. Throughout the rest of his undergraduate and graduate work he was active in InterVarsity Christian Fellowship.
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Questions and Answers from ReadersMagnet Festival of Storytellers, 2024
January 22
Lena Elliott: Good to know you got your money back after all that hassle! 6:15
Well, I never did get it all back. But the ultimate goal is not wealth but to pass on to as many
people as possible the wonderful good news about what God has prepared for our eternity
with Him.
Elly Einstein: You did a great job trying to capture the author’s spirit and experience the best way you could. 6:57
Thank you, Elly.
Zenkle Mooney: ReadersMagnet really did a great job picking up your book. 7:48
I appreciate what they have done.
Lena Elliott: That’s so much testimonies! I have so much respect for your effort to compile everything. 8:06
Thank you. I personally have been blessed by reading all those accounts. It is my hope and
prayer that the readers of Heaven Is Beyond Imagination will have similar life-changing
perspectives on what is truly important in this life, without having to die to get it.
Chloe Lopez: It’s more than enough that you did your best in making sure the book is complete. 10:52
Thank you. There are more testimonies beyond these, but these were all that I found in
printed form. Only God knows all the ones to whom He has given a glimpse of His Kingdom.
But I believe the book is complete in that the message of how much God loves us and what
He has prepared for us comes through loudly and clearly.
Elly Einstein: Being in heaven sounds like the best thing that can happen to anybody. 12:57
It is! That is what God made us for, an eternal love relationship with Him, Jesus, and all of His
family. Satan has screwed up this world and heaven is God’s true utopia. But it is all a free
gift, you can’t earn it, you can’t pay for it, you cannot do anything to get it. You must accept
God’s free gift by allowing His Son to take away all the wrongs (sins) you have ever done and
ever will do that are keeping you out of this wonderful free place.
Zenkle Mooney: Thank you for sharing excerpts from your book. 13:27
You are welcome. I hope you can get Heaven Is Beyond Imagination and enjoy the complete
description. I know you will be blessed beyond my few excerpts here.
Donald Rosenbaum: You were always meant to do great things, and writing this book is one of them. 18:31
I believe that. I believe God created each one of us to do great things. But we must be
committed to Him, be redeemed from our sins, and allow His Spirit to indwell us for those
great things to happen. I do not expect to become famous or wealthy, but none of that
matters if I hear “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Andrea Richards: Thank you for being here at this virtual book fair. 20:16
You are welcome. Thanks, too, to ReadersMagnet for making this possible and giving me the
chance to share what God has shown me with you.
Martin Trent: I’ve read books about Heaven based on Scripture or single testimonials, but this approach feels innovative. 21:33
I believe it is. I know of no other book that makes such a complete side-by-side comparison
of heaven experiences. The closest is John Burke’s Imagine Heaven, but he more just tells you
his conclusions from the testimonials he has read. I think the inspiration for this book came
from God because He wants His people to know what He has prepared for us because Jesus is
coming back very soon and we need to be prepared. Jesus told that to several of these
Olivia Brown: I appreciate your focus on experiences rather than the near-death event itself. It shifts the focus to what truly matters, which is Heaven itself. 22:37
Thank you. I believe that is what God wanted when He inspired me. In fulfilling Jesus
directive to some of those witnesses, He wants us to see specifically what He has prepared
for His people. He does not want anyone created in His image to be left out of His forever
incredible love experience.
Elly Einstein: Heaven sounds vivid and beautiful from how you described it. 27:29
It is! It is beyond your best imagination. God made Earth to resemble Heaven but the
imitation can’t truly reflect the real thing.
Lena Elliott: Yeah, Heaven seems like a place where there’s no pain and suffering. 28:03
Yes, Scripture tells us that, but hearing eyewitness testimony about it just confirms and
strengthens our faith. Everyone said they felt more alive the moment his or her spirit left the
body than he or she had ever felt before. All infirmities are gone and we are restored to how
we were in our prime of life or even better. Any missing pieces are fully restored and we are
the way God created us to be. And since it appears heaven is not made of atoms and
molecules like earthly bodies, they never break down or decay and need to be regenerated
daily with food, exercise, and rest.
Zenkle Mooney: If anything, I would love to grab a copy so I can gain more knowledge and maybe wisdom from your book. 29:02
You can. Just go to ReadersMagnet.com, Amazon.com, or BarnesandNoble.com and order
one. Alternatively you can send me $25 and I can send you a signed copy. My address is
Jacques LaFrance, 1006 Summit Plaza, Scott City, Kansas 67871.
Lena Elliott: Do you think the world has different priorities when it comes to spirituality? 32:54
Most of the world has been deceived by Satan into thinking that this life is all that matters:
“do a good job and you will be okay.” For them spirituality is whatever religion makes you
comfortable and feel good. This leads to self-righteousness, greed, lust for power or money
or things, and other matters pertaining to self-interest. It can go so far as to believe there is
no God and all religions are just crutches to make you feel good, or that it doesn’t matter
what you believe as long as you are sincere. But there can be no love in this world like God’s
love that can be seen in Jesus and in what He has shown us about life in heaven.
Unfortunately for the world, truth triumphs over opinion in the end. The road to hell is wide
and leads to destruction but many follow it. The road to life is narrow and few find it. Those
are Jesus’ words, and He should know. I mourn for all the power-hungry political figures who
are on the wide road and do not know the destruction that awaits them and for the spiritually ignorant people they are leading astray with hope of finding utopia here. I mourn
for those I know who are on the wide road and refuse to look at the abundant evidence for
truth and pray for those in my own family in this state. Unfortunately, Satan’s deception has
also crept into His church with pastors and denominations taking up the world’s views on
things rather then the wisdom God has told us in His Word, through His Spirit, and in the
voice of His devoted followers.
Yes, those are very different priorities from what we see in Jesus’ life and attitudes and
teaching and in what we see about heaven from those who have been allowed to see it and
come back to tell us.
Zenkle Mooney: Are you still striving to grow in this life after writing this book? 33:14
We never reach perfection here and growing must always be a part of our lives. As much as I
have learned about God and His ways through the research and writing I have done and
many other events, there is till room to grow, to learn to apply what I know to my attitudes
and actions each day. I will never be as fully like Christ as He or I would like, so I must strive
each day to learn more about Him and how to trust Him in ways that I am currently missing
and how to have His love in my heart for all I meet.
Donald Rosenbaum: Same here. Heaven feels different from the life I’ve known here on Earth. 33:35
Heaven is indeed different, but in many ways the life here reflects some of what God has
intended for us. Our task now is to begin seeing more of Heaven in this Creation. God made
this Creation to be like Heaven in many ways. Look for those so you can praise Him and
maybe help others get a glimpse of the ultimate wonderful reality beyond Earth. God does
not want anyone created in His image to miss what He has prepared for us. Do what you can
to rob Satan of his evil desire to destroy those God has loved.
January 24
Bettye: Hi Jacques! How are you?17:03
I am fine, thank you for asking. I am enjoying what God gives me every day. Every morning I
pray that God would enable me to bless someone today. I believe this festival is giving me
that opportunity.
Brenda C. Ballard: Hello! Thanks for keeping the people on track by reminding us that heaven exists! 17:19
I believe God inspired me to use my research, reading, writing, and organizational skills to
communicate more fully the message He gave each of these eyewitnesses to share with us.
Heaven definitely exists. None of these fifty witnesses has any doubt about its physical (in an
eternal sense, not in the limited sense of this universe). Furthermore, from the eyewitnesses
of hell described in the appendix of Heaven Is Beyond Imagination, hell is also real.
Barbara D. Brunette: In your book "Heaven is Beyond Imagination," do people who witnessed heaven have the same exact description of heaven? 17:20
No, people do not have the exact same description. They are very consistent but also
different as you would expect from multiple witnesses of some event on Earth.
Anita R. Harrison: Man, the vividness in Jacques' book is unparalleled. 17:21
Thank you. That has been my intent.
Brenda B. Shaw: It's not everyday that I can "see" the place or setting that I read in books, but listening to Jacques read his book, my mind can easily see what he's painting with words. 17:22
I think God gave me the inspiration for A Walk Through Heaven to put the details from the
fifty eyewitnesses in Heaven is Beyond Imagination into a form with which the reader could
identify and make personal, as if they could imagine themselves being there and taking that
walk with me and the two angels.
Deanna P. Schmitz: True that. No earthly experience can truly match what Heaven has in store for us. 17:26
That is what most of the eyewitnesses said. There are not words to describe fully what they
saw, heard, or felt. Some said their earthly mind couldn’t contain the knowledge they had in
Brenda B. Shaw: To be in the presence of God in Heaven is something that I know would feel exceptional—beyond words, even. 17:27
More exceptional than you can visualize, even with my help.
Paul White: I hope that once we go to Heaven, we would also have our own guide. 17:27
I gather everyone will have guides initially, maybe angels, maybe family or friends, maybe
some saint from the past, maybe Jesus himself.
Tracy R. Walls: Such well-written lines. I can really visualize how amazing Heaven looks like. 17:27
Thank you.
Deanna P. Schmitz: Did the people still have to go through the pearly gates before they saw heaven, or were they directly in heaven when they saw it? 17:28
I gather from what some said that you cannot return to Earth if your name is checked in the
Book of Life and you pass through the pearl-like gate. Those who saw the City of Heaven did
so without going through the gate. But there is more to heaven than the city inside the wall.
There are villages, parks, forests, hills, mountains, lakes, a sea, and more that people have
seen without going on the other side of the wall.
Brenda B. Shaw: As a devout Christian from a religious family, I believe that heaven exists, and the Lord always gives us signs when dealing with everyday challenges. Heaven is a place of rest and eternal happiness.17:28
All true.
Anita R. Harrison: What made you write books about heaven in the first place? 17:29
I had read the first 16 books when I presented a class at church on the subject. That was
well-received, so in anticipation of doing it again, I started copying things from each of the
sixteen books. The document became quite long, so I considered making it into a book.
Heaven Is Beyond Imagination is now the third edition based on 56 books rather than just 16.
I believe God inspired me to use my research, reading, writing, and organizational skills to
communicate more fully the message He gave each of these eyewitnesses to share with us.
Heaven definitely exists. None of these fifty witnesses has any doubt about its physical (in an
eternal sense, not in the limited sense of this universe). Furthermore, from the eyewitnesses
of hell described in the appendix of Heaven Is Beyond Imagination, hell is also real. Every one
of these people returned with a changed view of what is truly important in this life and how
much God truly loves us. I believe my calling was to put all of this into one book so the reader
can get the same life change and eternal focus without having to die to get it.
Jeff Lee: Why do we need to suffer here on earth? Can we just stay up there and be with God? 17:30
Read the book of James. He tells us more about why suffering is good for us. Jesus said we
must take up our cross to follow him. Crosses are hard to bear. Furthermore, he promised
that we will have trials and suffering in this world. The world will hate us because of him.
But it is through the suffering that our character is honed and strengthened. Again, read
James. When our assignment here is completed, we will stay up there and be with our loving
God for eternity (i.e. forever).
Anita R. Harrison: God's archive makes sense. I wish that I'm able to make a good impression or record in there. 17:30
All you need to do is make serving Jesus your priority. Remember, all your mistakes, sins,
omissions, missed opportunities, self-centered moments, etc. were ALL (past, present, and
future) taken on the cross when Jesus died on your behalf. The moment you accepted Jesus’
forgiveness all records of those wrongs were erased from God’s archives. God will not be
able to find them. All he will see is what you have done for Jesus and to love your neighbor,
not what you didn’t do or what you wrongly did. So set your mind and heart on loving Jesus
and serving him and loving your neighbor. I pray every morning that God will enable me to
be a blessing to someone that day. Try that yourself.
Deanna P. Schmitz: Thank you for sharing your book with us, Jacques. May God bless you and have a blessed day! 17:30
Thank you Deanna. God blessed me in enabling me to share Him with you in this Festival of
Storytellers. And He continues to bless me in more ways than I can imagine. I pray every
morning that God will enable me to be a blessing to someone that day. May you have a
blessed day and life also.
Bettye: One of the things I wish I could say to God once we enter into is that I was able to utilize everything He gave to me and make Him proud. 17:33
God would love to find one of us who utilized everything he gave us and made Him proud.
But it won’t happen because we have all been sinners. But God is going to be proud of us just
because He is and He and Jesus love us. It has nothing to do with us but all to do with Jesus.
Yet I know what you are saying. And while I have remorse over the things I haven’t done that
He wanted me to do or the things I did He didn’t want me to do, that has never changed His
love for me and His desire to bless me and make my life a blessing. He does not want us to
look at our failures, but focus on Jesus and take on His perfection, not something of our own.
Give your failures to Him and rejoice in His wonderful love. You will stand before Him and
make Him proud, not because of anything you have done, but because you have allowed His
Son to indwell you. Anything else of value is the result of that.
Deanna P. Schmitz: Thank you for sharing your life story with us! 17:40
Thanks again, Deanna. I am honored and blessed to have been able to share with you, not my
life story, but what the glory of God has revealed to me.
Barbara D. Brunette: Thank you for keeping my faith in God. This reminds me that I still have heaven to look forward to. 17:42
Yes, because of the Father’s and Jesus’ great love for you, you have an unimaginably
wonderful future in heaven awaiting you.
Bettye: What motivated you to create your books about heaven? 17:42
I had read the first 16 books when I presented a class at church on the subject. That was
well-received, so in anticipation of doing it again, I started copying things from each of the
sixteen books. The document became quite long, so I considered making it into a book.
Heaven Is Beyond Imagination is now the third edition based on 56 books rather than just 16.
I believe God inspired me to use my research, reading, writing, and organizational skills to
communicate more fully the message He gave each of these eyewitnesses to share with us.
Heaven definitely exists. None of these fifty witnesses has any doubt about its physical (in an
eternal sense, not in the limited sense of this universe). Furthermore, from the eyewitnesses
of hell described in the appendix of Heaven Is Beyond Imagination, hell is also real. Every one
of these people returned with a changed view of what is truly important in this life and how
much God truly loves us. I believe my calling was to put all of this into one book so the reader
can get the same life change and eternal focus without having to die to get it.
Anita R. Harrison: What were your challenges in collecting testimonies from people? 17:42
Finding all the books on Amazon about visits to heaven, buying them, and reading them.
Unlike some other authors, I never contacted any of these people for a direct interview. It
was all obtained from the books they wrote and published. Perhaps the biggest challenge
was extracting from these stores the essential elements of their heaven experience and
neglecting the interesting but not pertinent other details of their death and recovery.
January 25
Bob Montgomerry: g'd afternoon! I'm new here, hope I can learn something! 15:02
I hope you were not disappointed.
Naomi Strain: Welcome back! Its good to see you again Jacques 15:03
Thank you.
Ella J. Causey: Greetings and a heartfelt welcome to our distinguished author Jacques. Let the conversation begin! 15:03
Sophie Lemos: Hi Jacques. I've always wanted to learn more about heaven. 15:06
Please get and read my book Heaven Is Beyond Imagination. It will tell you as much as we can
know based on the testimonies of fifty people who witnessed heaven (and nineteen that
witnessed hell).
Craig S. Smith: Where do you think angels rest their wings? 15:08
While some of the witnesses saw angels, there is very little in their testimonies about angels’
wings. Not all angels have wings.
Jon E. Sheets: Heaven must be a place where we all reunite with our loved ones, the final place where we find closure and happiness.15:08
Yesterday I saw a man with a shirt that said, ”Heaven is my home; I am only here recruiting.”
Yes, heaven is the place God created for us. But it is too wonderful to let just anyone be there.
It is reserved for those who truly love Him and appreciate and desire His love. So we have to
pass through this proving ground first to weed out those who do not love God nor desire any
relationship with Him. And we can “recruit” all who desire a relationship with God but don’t
know how to get it.
Bob Montgomerry: you have a very calming voice. 15:09
Thank you. That is the gift of God’s peace.
Naomi Strain: Do you believe that heaven is a spiritual place or a physical one? 15:10
All the fifty eyewitnesses in Heaven Is Beyond Imagination testify that heaven is definitely a
physical place. But it is not like the physics of this universe, so it is a separate creation from
what God did to make this universe and Earth. It has its own laws of physics and while it
resembles Earth, it is different and superior. It is like heaven is God’s real creation and this
universe and Earth are just like an architect’s model of the real place. Many things on Earth
are like those in heaven but are inferior or incomplete compared to the real ones. But it is
more than just a spiritual place.
Sophie Lemos: Is the appearance of heaven a fixed attribute, or does it change according to who looks at it? 15:12
The comparison of the fifty eyewitnesses I considered in writing Heaven Is Beyond
Imagination show there is consistency across all their descriptions but also variations. It is
like several witnesses to an actual accident or event. The accident or event is fixed so there is
consistency in all their reports. But because different people perceive different things, the testimonies will not be identical. Heaven is fixed. That is why you learn more by reading
many different accounts rather than just one person’s testimony
Joyce B. Benson: Oh, to listen to a flower sing or see it smile, that must be a wonderful sight. 15:13
Won’t it be glorious? We can’t imagine fully what heaven is going to be like, but we know
already it is beyond our dreams and best expectations. New wonderful surprises await us.
Bob Montgomerry: Thanks for the story, Jacques! It was lovely. 15:28
I am glad to share. I believe God gave me this story so you and others can better imagine
yourself there and want all the more for your life to reflect His glory.
Kimberly Pickle: There is no hurt in heaven. Hurt is a human thing. 15:31
Our human bodies are made of molecules that break down and have to be rebuilt. That is one
reason we have to eat to get the basic molecular building blocks to rebuild broken molecules.
In time our bodies can’t keep up. That is the cause of some of our hurts. But sin is the worst
cause: selfishness, anger, jealousy, revenge, hate, greed, love of money, desire for power, and
many more. Satan is behind all of these and when we are not aware of God’s plan or the voice
of the Holy Spirit, we can easily be deceived by Satan. This is happening all over the world.
Even some who claim to be following Jesus are being deceived by Satan in subtle ways. All of
these sources of hurt are absent in heaven.
January 26
Reginald McBride: Hello Jacques! 17:02
Charissa Kerry Wade: Hi Jacques! Nice to see you again! 17:03
Thank you. I hope what I am sharing is blessing you. I pray each morning that I will be a
blessing to someone that day. Today I hope it is you and the others listening.
Jill Fandrich, PharmD: Hello Jacques. You provide so many wonderful and hopeful things to imagine. 17:09
That is God. It is He that has all those wonderful and hopeful things. I am honored to be able
to share them with you and enable you to have a closer more loving relationship with your
Lucila J. Nowacki: It's always so nice to hear about Heaven and what it looks like or what it's like to be there. 17:15
I agree. I have been blessed by what God has shown me of Himself through this project.
Arlena K. Barnes: Hey Jacques! This has probably been asked before, but what inspired you to write the book in the first place? 17:15
I had read the first 16 books when I presented a class at church on the subject. That was
well-received, so in anticipation of doing it again, I started copying things from each of the
sixteen books. The document became quite long, so I considered making it into a book.
Heaven Is Beyond Imagination is now the third edition based on 56 books rather than just 16.
I believe God inspired me to use my research, reading, writing, and organizational skills to
communicate more fully the message He gave each of these eyewitnesses to share with us.
Heaven definitely exists. None of these fifty witnesses has any doubt about its physical (in an
eternal sense, not in the limited sense of this universe). Furthermore, from the eyewitnesses
of hell described in the appendix of Heaven Is Beyond Imagination, hell is also real. Every one
of these people returned with a changed view of what is truly important in this life and how
much God truly loves us. I believe my calling was to put all of this into one book so the reader
can get the same life change and eternal focus without having to die to get it.
Ella W. Easley: Heaven sounds like such a wonderful place to be in. I hope I do enough good here in earth to be able to get into it in the future. 17:18
You cannot do enough good to get into heaven. Only Jesus is good enough. Heaven is perfect
and if any imperfect people are there, the whole enterprise will be spoiled. But God loves us
so much He took upon Himself the death penalty our sins deserved. You can only get into
heaven if when God looks at you He sees His Son Jesus. Jesus, the Holy Spirit, indwells you
the moment you confess your sinfulness, ask God for forgiveness, and accept His Son’s
payment on your behalf. At that point all your sin is wiped clean from the records in heaven
and from then on God only sees you as the Holy Spirit within you, Jesus righteousness
instead of your sinfulness. If you have accepted Jesus, there is no cost for heaven, nothing
you can do to earn it. It is all a free gift of God’s unsurpassing love for you. So confess your
sinfulness to God and ask to receive the forgiveness that Jesus paid for you on the cross. That
is the only way to be allowed to go to that most wonderful place.
Charissa Kerry Wade: I always feel at ease whenever I listen to you talk about Heaven. Thank you for sharing excerpts from your book!17:23
Heaven carries with it that sense of peace and being at ease. We will have the peace and
feeling at ease forever when we are in God’s kingdom. We can have it now, if we put our
whole trust in Him, in His amazing love, and allow Him to take over in our lives to free us
from the daily concerns and events that weigh down and take away that peace. I hope you
continue to feel at ease with the Lord after these talks are over.
Lucila J. Nowacki: I'm curious, did the events of your book come to you in a dream? Like did you have a dream wherein you were guided by Mordolf (not sure about the spelling) as he was sent by God? 17:23
It was not a dream but an inspiration from God to write a short story (novella as it turns out)
in which Jacob and Maldorf (made up names) show me many of the things and experiences
of the fifty eyewitnesses to heaven that I share in Heaven Is Beyond Imagination. So while the
story is made up, the scenes and experiences in heaven that it describes are like what the
eyewitnesses really saw or experienced. I believe God’s desire is to have you so much feel
like you are actually there when reading this story that your life will be changed to be based
on heaven’s priorities rather than earthly ones.
Margaret Sherrill: Jacques’ book sounds like a modern take of Dante Aligheri's Paradiso's, written in an easy to digest way. I love it! 17:25
Thank you. I am not familiar with Dante Aligheri’s Paradiso. Perhaps I should check it out.
However, I imagine Alighri’s Paradiso is fiction, while A Walk Through Heaven is only fiction
in the sense that the whole story never happened to me. But the scenes and experiences I
encounter are all based on true witness testimony. So what is says about heaven and life
there are not fiction but truth.
Flora Wagner: From what I've heard thus far, sounds like a really beautiful book. Will definitely be getting a copy of mine own. 17:29
Thank you. I hope you do. I am confident you will find it to be a blessing.
Lucila J. Nowacki: Thanks for your time Jacques! God bless you and see you soon! 17:36
Thank you very much. (When should I look for you?!)
February 2
Apple Rutherson: Hi sir Jacques! How are you? 18:05
Thank you. I usually answer that question with, “I am wonderful! … And it is not my fault. I
didn’t do it. Someone else made me wonderful.”
Megan J. Miller: This book is genuine and authentic! 18:16
Thank you. That is true. While it is a novella, what it tells you about heaven and our
relationship with the Father and the Son is genuine and authentic.
Kelly W. Maez: From the experiences tackled and shared in the book, do you have one that truly gave an emotional impact on you? 18:16
There are several: Colton Burpo’s meeting his miscarried sister, Steven Musick’s encounter
with an abusive father at a restaurant that shows how his increased sensitivity to the Lord in
his life led to the redemption of a man caught in a life of abuse, Crystal McVea’s emotional
sharing of her life and redemption to a room full of ladies and how many lives were healed
through her testimony, and Dr. Reggie Anderson’s patient Eunice’s report back to him from
her visit to heaven that answered Dr. Anderson’s prayer from a few days before. Of all these,
Crystal McVea’s story in the most powerful. These are all in Heaven Is Beyond Imagination.
Gail Blair: The idea that death is unknown is terrifying. 18:18
It doesn’t have to be. None of these eyewitnesses have any fear of death. They have all
experienced that there is no pain in death itself, and they all feel more alive in the spirit than
they ever were in the flesh. Furthermore, if you read Heaven Is Beyond Imagination, or any of
the individual books I considered, you will get a good picture of what life is going to be like
after death. Heaven Is Beyond Imagination will give you a wonderful view of what you can
look forward to if you have taken Jesus’ sacrifice and forgiveness for yourself. On the other
hand, the Appendix in that book gives you nineteen eyewitness accounts of hell to show you
what you can expect after death if you refuse the gift Jesus has given us.
Sandy: The title of the book has an impact. Just by reading it, I felt my heart warm up for some reason. 18:19
Thank you. I am glad to hear that God inspired me even with the choice of title. That book
really is His doing. Whenever we are in tune with the Holy Spirit, our heart does warm up for
some reason. John Wesley had this same experience in his journey to faith. I had this
experience when I was 10 or so and prayed after our childhood nightly prayer, “God come to
me.” He did, my heart warmed unexpectedly, and it frightened me so I decided not to do that
again. I imagine the Lord saying, “OK, I will be back.” And he did come back when I was a
Freshman in college and I invited him in for real. He has been there ever since and has never
left me nor forsaken me as He said.
Kelly W. Maez: Sometimes, I want to get a sneak peek of heaven.18:20
Get Heaven Is Beyond Imagination, and you can have as many sneak peeks as any of us have
Megan J. Miller: I have always wondered if our dead loved ones are in heaven. 18:20
There is a whole chapter on meeting friends and relatives in heaven. Some of the witnesses
said when you go there permanently all who had any part in your accepting and following
Jesus will be there to welcome you
Ann O. Hall: Do you believe that we do not remember or recognize anyone when we are in heaven? 18:20
You will recognize many you have known. Several of the witnesses said all those who had a
part in your Christian life will be there to greet you. Richard Sigmund was amazed that
people he didn’t know recognized him. The angel with him said everybody knows everybody
there; it is one big happy family, God’s family.
Gail Blair: How to face your fear of death? Or how do you accept this fact that people die and that's just how life naturally is? 18:21
I have no fear of death. I know that when the time comes my spirit will just leave my lifeless
body and I will be more alive than I have ever been and in heaven all my infirmities will be
healed. I will be transformed into who I was in my prime of life. I may be painfully tortured
before I die but once death comes, that will be all over with. No one can kill me; they can only
allow my spirit to be free of the limitations of my body and enable me to enter a glorious
new realm.
This life is intentionally temporary. We are here to establish an eternal relationship with
God. It is only here that we have the freewill to make choices. Now is our opportunity to
choose God over things, this life, and unhealthy attitudes like lust, jealousy, hate,
unforgiveness, self-centeredness, etc. We can only be allowed to be with God forever if we of
our freewill choose Him over things of this life. If you desire to be free from God forever,
when your time of freewill is over, you will be granted your desire. But the benefits of this
world will be gone and you and all those who have also rebelled against God will be subject
to the demons for their evil pleasure. That place is described by nineteen witnesses to hell in
the Appendix to Heaven Is Beyond Imagination.
Megan J. Miller: Thank you for the enlightenment through creating this wonderful masterpiece of a book! 18:28
Thank you. I hope it will be the blessing to you that it has been to me and to many others.