One of the things we see when comparing testimonies of heaven, God’s Kingdom, is that His love for those He created in His image is deeper and more extensive than you can imagine. Even when we deny God sometimes.
All that we see in Heaven Is Beyond Imagination is beautiful, joyful, peaceful, loving, forgiving, and every other feature of God’s character. And, as extensive is all that He has prepared for our eternal future with Him, it comes at no cost to us. It is a free gift of His love for us. God’s gift of His love to us is available at any time to everyone, fully paid for by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Like any gift, the recipient must receive the gift with gratitude. God does not force it on anyone. All we need to do is come to Him and humbly admit that we do not deserve His gift but we receive it by allowing Jesus, the Holy Spirit, into our lives to enable us to live the joyful fruitful loving life that He has prepared for us.
So what happens if we do not choose to receive this gift? We have that free choice since God is not going to force anyone to receive His love. Jesus said, “I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am the one I claim to be, you will indeed die in your sins.” (John 8:24) He said many times we must believe him to see God’s glory in His kingdom. So if we deny God, we will not see God’s glory or be in His kingdom. Where will we be instead? We know our lives here are finite and will come to an end, often when we least expect it. Even if we are rebellious, God sends rains on the just and the unjust. God’s love is poured upon us and we have many blessings. Think about all that God is and that is what we will be without when we leave this life denying Him. In God’s kingdom there is joy, peace, forgiveness, acceptance, wholeness, companionship, etc. Apart from God’s kingdom there is hate, evil, guilt, rejection, sickness, aloneness, etc., the opposite of all that characterizes God.
It is pride and self-righteousness that keeps anyone from accepting God’s gift. When we believe we can get along fine without God, we have a false belief in our own capabilities. It is the sin of Adam, who believed Satan that he could be equal with God or be his own god and decide for himself what is right and wrong. We are seeing the consequence of this God-rejection in our society today. Sinful people are deciding what is right and wrong and forcing on the rest of us their views that are contrary to what God made for us and for our welfare.
As long as we are in this life, we have the power and freewill to choose. However, freewill ends when our physical life here on Earth ends. We are then subject to God’s eternal judgment. If we choose to get by without Him and deny His authority over us and our choices, there will be a rude awakening the moment we die. In my research for Heaven Is Beyond Imagination, I read several instances where at the moment of death, the person dying gets a glimpse of what lies ahead for him or her. Those persons exit this world with an expression of fear and horror in their faces. These encounters did not make it into the book since the book was about people who saw the other more glorious future.
However, the Appendix to Heaven Is Beyond Imagination gives the eyewitness testimonies of some whom God allowed to see the “other place” so they could warn us of the consequences of dying when denying God. The poor souls there are in constant pain and suffering at the hands of the demons that have rejected God. Some are in fire pits constantly being burnt, only to be restored and burnt again. A German SS officer had to experience all the evil he had done to others over and over. Several pleaded with Jesus to let them out of hell when he took the guest through hell. They thought they had paid for their sins by now. Jesus’ answer was always, “It is too late. It is too late. The judgment has come. You ignored all the times I sent someone to you to encourage you to turn around but you never did.”
Whatever deformities and sickness you had in life are carried over into one’s experience in hell, while in heaven we are totally healed and restored the moment we enter heaven. We are restored to our prime in life, the way God created us to be. But not so with those who have denied God. I will not share any more of the bad news because it might make you sick. Suffice it to say, the evidence we have from eyewitnesses to hell tell us IT IS MORE TERRIBLE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE AND YOU MUST AT ALL COSTS AVOID GOING THERE. One lady whom Jesus took there and left her there on her own for a while was so emotionally stressed by her experience in hell, that she took several months to recover emotionally from what she witnessed. Such is what happens when you deny God and die without ever turning around.
Please listen to Jesus and accept the gift he bought for you. Read Heaven Is Beyond Imagination and see the wonderful world God has prepared for you because of His unimaginable love for you. Read the Appendix and it will “scare the hell out of you” literally I hope. Please don’t continue denying the One who loves you so much if you are today denying God.
- Paradise in the Mind: Why Heaven Cannot Be Envisioned - July 26, 2024
- Heavenly Rankings: A Guide to Biblical Angel Hierarchy - July 16, 2024
- What Happens When We Deny God by Jacques LaFrance, Ph.D. - June 17, 2024